CSPM  Persian Podiatry Club

About Us

Our members enjoy all the perks of our club. Our club has been widely-recognized as the best of its kind. Our membership is growing at a steady pace. With this growth, we have been able to accomplish more, and have a larger impact upon the student body. Please inquire today about how you can become a part of our club.

Our club is up and coming to provide present and future social networking between all student disciplines. Our club is a great way to stay in touch with members well beyond the school years.

Our club has close affiliations with the Asian Club and AGK at CSPM as well. We are planning future events in conjunction with them, and will continue to promote our ideals together.

Club Officers:

President:            Rodmehr Ajdari
Vice President:   Eman Elmi
Treasurer:            Edward Azar
Secretary:            Brett Shahabi

Click on "Contact Us" to join.

Persian Podiatry Club
California School of Podiatric Medicine
Samuel Merritt University
370 Hawthorne Ave
Oakland, CA 94609

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